Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fin MacCumhail

Why do  witches, mystics and druids always mess things up? I'll explain myself...why do these seers and prophets tell their ignorant rulers the so called future and fulfill the guess is they made it all up and were just using these stories to manipulate their rulers and the outcomes, which is as smart as it is diabolical. I just hate when innocents get dragged into it...which brings me to the story of the birth of Fin MacCumhail (by the way, Cumhail loosely translates to "son of cool"). Alright Macart Cumhail is a Champion from the West of Erin who receives a prophesy that if he marries it will lead to his death, sure many men believe this, but in his case it's said he will die in battle the next day. So, he does his best to stay away from the fairer sex, but of course he can't do this and falls in love with a Princess (her name is not given) whose father the King receives a prophecy that her daughters son will takeover the Kingdom one day (not sure why that's bad) so he keeps her away from all men.  Macart and the King's daughter are married in secret and Macart confesses to his mother what happened and warns her he will be killed tomorrow and if the Princess has a son by him the King will have him killed.  Of course this all happens and the King throws the young Prince into the loch to drown. Macart's mom watched as the boy sank but then resurfaced near shore holding a salmon in his hand, upon seeing this she said "He is my grandson, the true son of my own child" grabbed him and ran, named him Fin and he grew up to take over the kingdom. The's my interpretation of little Fin MacCool surviving his dip in the lake:

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